Sunday, January 3, 2016

GRACE WELFARE is a non-profit organization working for underprivileged children – orphaned, abandoned, destitute and other vulnerable groups. Our mission is to change lives of such children – by providing them with long-term care. This includes basic needs, education and healthcare, and skills necessary to transform them into responsible citizens.
I have much burden about orphan children. Many of the children lost their parents in the accidents, floods and cyclones. They are wandering in the Streets, Bus Stations and Railway Stations. Because they don’t have any one to take care, I have a compassion towards them, as Jesus loves the children. We started the orphanage in 2003. Now I am running an orphanage AND VOCATIONAL COLLEGE at rented place with very small income of my church and from my pocket. These children need your compassionate love. Each child need $30 for food, education, clothes, books and medication per month.

Here under, we are giving the details for your information and activation as it is we do not have regular sponsors for these children which makes us worried because the days are so bad that cost of living has become three times or four times increased in prices. In a crucial times where things have become dear we postrate before God pleading Him to provide us means for the children and widows. The Lord is so gracious in caring for these unfortunate beautiful children and the widows in the orphanage. Nevertheless, we need your prayers. Your prayers will work wonders in supplying the needs for our ministry I know, and confidently say dear brother and dear Sister, we want you to sponsor at least one or two children at your choice because it will cost you only $30 per month for each child
Pure religion and undefined before God and the Father is this to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world – James 1:27
We provide
Food, Shelter & Clothing, Healthcare and Education, Recreation /Hobbies, Sports/ Games…. with
Love & Care, Hope & Confidence, Independence & Discipline

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